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Hi guys, my name is Akash. I work in the Green Labs as an AI consultant. For those who’ll need to google the term AI let me point out it that it stands for Artificial Intelligence, and if you’re thinking of Terminator and iRobot now then you are right that is what it aims to achieve (or at least some of us 🙂 but knowingly or unknowingly we all use it every time we use google, or use GPS in our cars or take metal against enemy forces on our playstations and xboxes.

So why would an architecture firm need an AI specialist? The answer is (and it might come as a surprise) that chances are, the building you’re living in is probably more smart than your pet dog. It is aware about its inhabitants, their preferences in temperature, lighting and airflow, their habits like when do they wake up so that it can pull up the blinds and draw out the curtains.

My role at GL is more of R&D. I work on designing model rooms and houses using the latest in intelligent houses technology. Through this blog I will be sharing my experience with these cutting edge technology aimed at making out living smarter. So keep looking out for more posts about it later.